波林米. 理查森

University First Lady – Professor

波林米ayes 理查森’s life was dedicated to Hardin-Simmons University.

Her legacy became intertwined with the school’s as soon as she first registered as a Simmons Academy student in 1909.  From that day forth she began a lifelong experience with HSU in which she would hold the positions of student, 教员, 赞助商, 和第一夫人.  Throughout her time on the 40 Acres and until her death in 1965, she remained an active member of the community.

Pauline was born to John and Julia (Hunt) Mayes on April 17, 1892 in Eastland County.  Hailing from Hamlin, Pauline entered Simmons in 1909 as a student at the Academy.  She graduated in 1910, with a diploma in piano.  的野马  claimed, “she moved her audience to tears with her wonderful touch.”  During her time as a Simmons College student, Pauline was an active member of many social clubs, including The Pope Society, 学生会, 禁止联盟, Young Women Christian Association (YWCA), 火锅俱乐部, 网球队, K.K. Club, Mandolin Club, and Pope Orchestra.  She graduated with an AB in modern languages in 1912.  Her senior biography in the 1912 野马  states that Pauline was “very fond of Music, Language and the Class President.”

Pauline met her husband, Rupert 理查森 (aka the Class President) while attending Simmons College.  He referred to her affectionately as “one of the girls from Anna Hall” and his “sweetheart” in his book,Famous Are Thy Halls .

After graduating from Simmons College, Pauline returned to Hamlin to teach school.  Over the next three years, she would divide her time teaching in Hamlin and Lubbock, with visits from Rupert, who during that time earned a graduate degree from the University of Chicago and taught in Caddo, TX.

Pauline and Rupert married on December 28, 1915 and lived in Cisco, where they both taught in the public school there until moving to teach in Sweetwater.

Pauline and Rupert returned to HSU in 1917.  They lived in Cowden Hall and served in the position of what is equivalent to today’s Resident Directors.  在 Famous Are Thy Halls , Dr. 理查森回忆, “We were not enthusiastic about the task but we complied with the President’s request. The assignment proved to be most interesting and it was fortunate for us that we were permitted to have such an experience.  Save for a few more scars, 再来几个男孩, who were a little more sophisticated perhaps, Cowden Hall was as I had left it in 1912.”

In addition to mentoring and, 有时, 母性, the young men of Cowden Hall, Pauline furthered her education.  She studied at Madrill University in Montreal, Canada and the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago for her postgraduate work.  After she earned a Master’s from the University of Texas in 1926 she taught French at HSU, and did so for over 30 years until her death.  From 1943 to 1953 she also served as HSU First Lady.

夫人. 理查森 passed away at the age of 73 on April 28, 1965.  十一年后, in 1976, The Rupert and Pauline 理查森 Library was dedicated on the HSU campus – a fitting tribute for two beloved scholars on this campus.  Along with the preservation of her name through this building, the 理查森 Research Center, located on the second floor, 房屋的论文, 照片, and memorabilia pertaining to Pauline and her family.

The 理查森s had one child, Rupert 理查森, Jr.生于1920年.  鲁珀特小., like both of his parents, attended Hardin- Simmons, and graduated in 1940.  He enlisted in 1942 to serve during World War II.  When he returned, most likely due to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, he was a changed man.  War had taken its toll on the previously happy, charismatic young man who had grown up on this campus.

In 1951, 的野马  was dedicated to Dr. 和夫人. 理查森.  The words written by the students are as applicable today as they were then:

“To two who have dedicated themselves to us, we gratefully dedicate the 1951 野马 . . .we know that no one has contributed more to the present and to the future of our beloved school than have 波林米ayes 理查森, M. A. and Rupert Norval 理查森, Ph. D., Litt. D.”

本着同样的精神, 66年后的今天, Hardin-Simmons University proudly inducts one of her own, 波林米ayes 理查森, into the HSU 领袖堂.